Bellas Patchwork skirt

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sea World Day 1

The first thing we did in San Diego was find a Target. I of course always pick a hotel close by one and this is proof of that I was brilliant to do so. When we got to San Diego we couldn't find our camera. How were we going to capture all of Bella's joyful faces in viewing this wonderful place for the first time? Answer- Target. We went a got a pack of 2 disposable cameras and thought Bella might think it was fun to be able to take her own pictures. We also had our cell phones so we would be able to use those. We were ready for Sea World the next morning.

We got there close to when it opened and Bella was instantly obsessed with the "snuggles". All of the stuffed animals that they sell in the kiosks everywhere. She was more excited to see all of those than some of the animals that we saw. The first day we spent going to the shows and all of the animal exhibits.

the girls all ready to see everything! (sorry mom for the windblown hair look.)

The dolphin show is first up.

Then the penguins


"Mom can I PLLLLLEEEEEAAAAASSSSSEEEEE get my snuggle now? I made it past lunch without one.. . ."

The chosen snuggle, and finally happy.

The seal show was so funny. The host will be the perfect job for cousin Ammon.

Shamu- always amazing.

We left just before the park was going to close. It was a great day and we were all exhausted from all of the walking and ready to go hang out at the hotel.

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