Bellas Patchwork skirt

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Something's missing and just for me

Bella has now lost her 2 front teeth and still has a hole on the bottom. She has loved the tooth fairy and showing off her new smile.

I am the luckiest mom. Bella has such a sweet personality and is so kind. She loves to make others laugh and is always thinking of others. Right now she is 5 and that has been such a fun age. She is loving being big and her most used sentence is "mom can I help". It doesn't matter what I am doing she just wants to help. I love my Bella more than I ever imagined I could love anything. I love how much she is growing everyday and the amazing person she is.

For a while I have wanted to get another tattoo. Cory and I talked about getting one at the same time but that just hasn't worked out. I never found the perfect design that I wanted but did find a message that I wanted to remember with my new tattoo. ~ Live a joyful life~ So many days I get too caught up in the "could haves or don't haves, the poor me, and all that I am doing is missing out. Missing a moment with Bella or my family. I am lucky- I have a healthy, happy beautiful daughter, a job that I love, a husband that puts up with me and supports me and wonderful families. That's what is important and what I need to remember. I took some ideas that I had to an artist and this is what she drew up. I love it
It hurt worse than I ever remember and worse than the other 2 combined. Maybe I am just old but ouch, It still hurt 2 days later. It has healed beautifully and am so glad to have it.