Bellas Patchwork skirt

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Bella's Recital

Bella has been taking a dance class at daycare once a week. She is always dancing all over the house and is striking a "ballerina" pose. We got the flyer for her recital, the surprise part for us was that it was in Kaysville. I started asking to see her dance and she would never show me so I was really nervous that she wouldn't do anything. We got to the recital and I was thrilled to find out it was just her class and she was surrounded be her friends and their parents, and 8 video cameras. Her teacher did a great job and I think it worked out better than I had imagined. They even had 5 costume changes. She did get a little distracted by Sleeping Beauty painted on the wall in the studio but she had a great time. I was teary eyed watching my baby be so cute.


These are my girls. The ones that have been with me, on my side, my cheerleaders, the ones that kept me sane (somewhat) throughout this forever experience. For almost 2 years I have spent 24-32 hours with these girls enduring blood, sweat, tears, (and vomit.) My life has been forever changed with the gift of knowing them and my life will be better because I get to keep them in my life from now on.
I had good intentions of lots of pictures at our graduation, but by the end it was hot and we were all hungry so at least I got a few. At least I made it through it without crying.