Bellas Patchwork skirt

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The debate

Me- "Hi Bella what are you playing?"
Bella- "I'm the Princess and this is my castle. I'm waiting for my Prince to come rescue me."
Me- "Actually Bella you're a strong independant female and you don't need a man to come rescue you."
Bella -"Oh Mom. That's not what happens in the movie" and rolls her eyes.

This debate will be one that will continue for some time Im sure. It's not that I hate the Princesses but they are EVERYWHERE! I am just tyring to show Bella that there are other role models out there than Cinderella, and Snow White. I try and remind her that Belle didn't just wait in the castle, she went out to help her father, and then to try to rescue the beast. Jasmine works with Aladdin to defeat Jafar. We're making progress, but I'll keep changing the endings to some of those bedtime stories to show that a girl really can save herself and provide her own happy ending.

I found this on some blog somewhere, and it made me giggle.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

4 day weekend

Both Cory and I were able to take the Friday of Memorial Day weekend off for a chance to get out of town for a much needed break. We drove to Torrey to hang out with Nanna and popop (Cory's mom & dad). Although the first 2 days there were windy and cold, it was great to be there. Saturday we took a little hike up in the mountains. The truck said it was 46 degrees, so we were layered up and didn't go as far as we would have liked. Bella had a great time and filled her pockets with swords (wooden sticks). The next day was for fishing. Cory, Bella and Poppop all went out in the boat while Nanna and I stayed with the dogs on the shore. The sun was out and I got to read a regular book. Bella did catch a fish and then was done with the process, so she listened to her music and had snacks. They came in for lunch and couldn't convince Bella to go back out again so she stayed on the shore with the rest of the girls. She eventually took a nap and I got burnt to a crisp. It took some bribery to get the boys to come in from fishing. They say the count was at 16 fish and they kept 4 (which was plenty for me). Everyone was tired from the big day. Its a great place to be and we were grateful for the time we got to spend. We hope there are many other trips there soon.